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Legal Pot? Let the States Decide!
Video Liberties

Legal Pot? Let the States Decide!

In recent years, opposition to legal pot has gone up in smoke. Presidential candidates can even discuss

Why Conservatives Should Distances Themselves From The Oregon Standoff
Parties, Polls & Politics

Why Conservatives Should Distances Themselves From The Oregon Standoff

We know there are problems in government. We know the Federal government is overpowering in many places. But the Right has also grown some dangerous radical elements. While some of the occupiers are already wanting to return to their homes and ranches, the fact they thought taking up arms in defense of people convicted of arson was a good idea shows a radical streak that could turn dangerously ugly if the people involved truly had nothing to lose.

Tough Love for the Unemployed
Economy & Jobs

Tough Love for the Unemployed

Rand Paul is advocating some tough love for the unemployed, more specifically the “long-term unemployed.” The Emergency

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